J. Chad McLamb, CPA, Deputy County Manager – Director of Finance
Johnston County, North Carolina
Johnston County, North Carolina
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.
The County completed construction of a new 4 MGD wastewater treatment facility in 2024. The project included construction of the new 4 MGD plant, biosolids facilities improvements and an effluent force main. The project was financed with the proceeds of a $91,686,695 State revolving fund loan, an appropriation from the County’s wastewater fund, an appropriation from the County’s wastewater system development fees capital reserve fund, and an appropriation from the County’s 2021 American Rescue Plan Act – Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
Projects related to the new wastewater treatment facility are being financed by County water and sewer system revenue bonds issued in 2021 and 2023. These projects include new pump stations and force mains to convey and divert wastewater to the new treatment facility.
Due to the past and future growth in the County, construction began in the Summer of 2024 on an expansion of the new wastewater treatment facility from 4 to 8 MGD. This expansion is currently underway and is being financed with proceeds of the County’s 2024 water and sewer system revenue bonds.
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.